Made for each other

Made for each other

Relationship คู่สร้างคู่สม Kûu~Sâang~Kûu~Sŏ’m couple/pair + to build/create + couple/pair + be well matched/be suitable for each other = a couple living together who are suitable for each other like they have been made for each other Example sentence:...
Rich Girl, Poor Boy

Rich Girl, Poor Boy

Relationship : Thai Proverb Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. ดอกฟ้ากับหมาวัด Dòrk~Fáa Gùb Măa Wùd flower bloom~sky (young lady from a rich and powerful family/high-class/ranking woman) + with +...
Honeymoon Stage

Honeymoon Stage

Relationship : Thai Proverb Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode. ข้าวใหม่ปลามัน Kâaw Mài, Bplaa Mun rice + new, fish + fat/oil/grease/tallow = The rice is fresh and the fish is fat. = The honeymoon stage...