Learn to Speak Thai Naturally
Lifetime Access to Worksheets (Study and Exercise sheets, 3 Stages, 30 Chapters, 1000+ Pages),
20+ Hours of Audio & Video, Quizzes, and more
Come with a free service to find a freelance teacher to learn with the course getting support for your learning.
Course Information
สวัสดีค่ะ : Sà-wàd~Dee Kâ : Hello, I’m Kruu Jiab, the author of the books and the creator of all materials for all of my courses so there is no one else could explain to you better than me about my courses. So here please let me explain …
Speak Thai Course is a comprehensive course that ensures you are fully supported throughout your learning experience. A LOT of materials are provided; Structured worksheets are accompanied by Audio, Video, Quizzes, Self Study Exercises/Homework and other tools to help you to practise what you learn.
You will learn about everything to help you become confident in speaking Thai. You will learn both formal & colloquial forms of the language so you can Speak Thai naturally in any situation. The materials will guide you and explain in detail how Thai language works. I, Kruu Jiab, personally GUARANTEE that my methods will help you to become confident in speaking Thai.
Course Aims & Achievement
Speak Thai Course
Develop Speaking and Listening Skills Set
- Foundation on history and how Thai language has evolved to the Thai language we use nowadays
- Learn Thai pronunciation, Thai sounds and tones
- Vocabulary used in everyday life
- Sentence structure and grammar
- Thai Culture, beliefs, customs, ethics, mannerism, attitude, characteristics and more
- Understand about the history and how Thai language has evolved to the Thai language we use nowadays
- Understand the main principles of Thai language; pronunciation, know basic vocabulary, grammar, culture, manners and characteristics of Thais
- Students are able to understand and speak everyday conversation used in everyday life
Starting Skills & Who is it For?
Who is it for?
- Suitable for complete beginners or learners
- Suitable for learners who want to learn to speak Thai developing everyday conversations using phonetics or Thai scripts
- Suitable for learners who already speak basic Thai and wish to develop further
- Suitable for learners committed to developing fluency
Note: This course guides you to learn to speak everyday conversation using phonetic letters and does not guides you to learn to read and write Thai script. If you are committed to learning Thai developing fluency in both two sets of skills; Speaking & Listening and Reading & Writing, I suggest you to read more about my Speak, Read & Write Thai Course.
What Do You Get?
There is a LOT of material provided to help you learn effectively. Learn by yourself or with a Thai Style freelance teacher or both in order to progress effectively. The modern learning materials have been developed by me, Kruu Jiab, from scratch and include;
1. Written Materials
Learn new thing and test yourself
Easy to follow & detailed PDF worksheets which separated to Study Sheets and Exercise Sheets (homework). Written materials teach you new Thai words in each section of the chapter, explanation on how to use the words and construct Thai sentences correctly as well as explanation on Thai culture and characteristics, etc.
- 30 structured chapters help you to learn step-by-step with your teacher
- Clear explanations give you a complete overview of the Thai language
- Learn lots of vocabulary, sentence structure and conversation skills as well as Thai culture, history and the principles of Thai language
- Very logical and easy to follow modules will be adapted to suit every individual
2. Audio Materials
Train your ears listening to Thai words and speech
High quality & great for your MP3 Player is created for you to use to learn and practise your listening skills.
- Every written words and sentences on the Study Sheets has audios for you to practise your listening skills
- Follow the written materials with Practice Audio and complete Exercise Audio (homework tasks)
- Over 15 hours which you can listen online or download to your computer or MP3 Player
- The audio helps you develop listening skills as well as remind you the pronunciation, tone(s) and meaning of every new word
- A male and female Thai speaker help you to hear the difference between a feminine and masculine voice
- Dialogue audio helps you listen to how Thai people speak
3. Video Materials
Watch Kruu Jiab’s video lessons about pronunciations, Thai scripts, certain grammars, use of words, etc.
- Follow the written materials and watch video online
- Over 5 hours
4. Online Learning Space
Student Hub Page is an online learning space. Login to get access to the purchased course materials as well as lots and lots of supplemental materials that are updated and added often.
- Look at the Worksheets online or download on to your device to print out
- Listen to the MP3 Audio online or download on to your device and play the audio anytime you have time to practise, in the car, etc.
- Test your Thai with the Online Quizzes
- Get access to create your own Smart Flashcards to practise your Thai
- Links and Recommendations to other great learning resources to use as supplement learning materials such as online dictionary, Thai keyboard practice, Thai songs youtube channels, etc.
- Learn Thai Blog to get Helpful Hints & Tips
- Follow Kruu Jiab on Facebook and Instagram to learn new words, new post at least once a week
One-Off Payment
- Lifetime access to an online learning space, Student Hub Page, to get access to purchased materials
- Access to a free service to find an online or local freelance Thai Style trained teacher for you learn the course with.
- You can change teacher / location anytime. *On a Fair Use Policy and Change Teacher Policy
- Support from Thai Style throughout your learning experience
What do my students say?
Course Outline
Speak Thai Course
3 stages = 30 chapters = 6 Workbooks (Study & Exercise) = 1,000+ Pages
Stage 1
Learning the principles of the language is very important as it helps and leads to a good understanding of Thai language and can be used as a reference for what you will learn in the future.
1. The principles of Thai language (1)
2. Pronunciation & Phonetic Letters Guide
3. Symbols, lesson plans and learning guide
Chapter 1: Greeting; formal greeting, informal greeting, traditional way of greeting
Chapter 2: Meeting people; how to ask ‘What’s your name?, real/official name, nickname, and how to say nice to meet you and parting phrases
Chapter 3: About yourself; Job/occupation, nationality, hometown, etc.
Chapter 4: Addressing people; personal pronouns used in different situations
Chapter 5 : People, family, relative and friends
Chapter 6 : Numbers
Chapter 7 : Classifiers / Numerative
Chapter 8 : Desire & Requesting
Chapter 9 : Things – Singular / Plural (1)
Chapter 10 : Things – Singular / Plural (2)
Stage 2
During the second stage, we aim to build up a lot of vocabulary, Thai grammar and emphasise on how to construct sentences.
1. The principles of Thai language (2)
Chapter 11 : Manners & Daily Vocab
Chapter 12 : Verb to be; is/am/are
Chapter 13 : Verb to Do, Have, Take, Obtain and Give
Chapter 14 : Yes/No Q. Words & Tags
Chapter 15 : Time Words/Phrases
Chapter 16 : Tense Words
Chapter 17 : Clock Time and Time Units, Prepositions and Questions
Chapter 18 : Places and Direction
Chapter 19 : Senses
Chapter 20 : Conjunctions and Prepositions
Stage 3
By this stage, you should have enough vocabulary to hold basic conversations and a good understanding of Thai grammar. During stage 3 we aim to help you develop conversation in order to speak naturally like Thai people, build confidence and practise constructing sentences.
1. The principles of Thai language (3)
Chapter 21 : Wh-questions
Chapter 22 : Wh Question Sentence with Explanation Part
Chapter 23 : Money, Buying, Selling
Chapter 24 : Travelling (1)
Chapter 25 : Travelling (2)
Chapter 26 : Communication and Technology
Chapter 27 : Descriptions of Things (1) (Colour, Size, Amount, Dimension)
Chapter 28 : Body Parts & Descriptions on Look
Chapter 29 : Body’s Feeling, Condition and Health
Chapter 30 : Body language and Actions
Learning & Teaching Methods
What is the method to help you become confident in speak Thai?
- Learn to make Thai sounds and tones to pronounce Thai words correctly
- Use repetition to help you memorise until you can differentiate different sounds and tones
- Practise listening until you can distinguish Thai sounds and tones
- Build up lots of vocabulary and understand Thai language structure
- Learn how to make formal and informal sentences
- Practise conversation with your friend or your teacher to help you speak naturally
- When you feel ready to learn to Read and Write, you can also sign up for my Read & Write Thai Course to incorporate learning Thai scripts and further your understanding and fluency of Thai language
My Speak Thai Course uses a new and unique system that I have developed from scratch to teach you how to speak Thai language using the English alphabet (Phonetic letters) and I have trained my team of freelance teacher to use my method and system.
Course Duration
It’s a self study course so there is no set duration.
Every learner is different and there is no ‘one size fits all’ method to learn any language. Therefore, there is no set duration to learn my courses. Learn for as long as you need at a pace to suit you.
How does it take to complete the course when learning with a teacher?
The average learner will complete the Short Thai Course in around 20 hours private tuition. This may be more or less depending on your starting skills, how you learn a language and how much time you practise.
- Lifetime access to the course materials
- Come with a service to find a teacher for you to learn with
- 350 baht for online teacher and teachers in Thailand
- Other teacher locations are subject to country rate
- Only pay for the time you learn so you don’t lose out when you want to stop learning
- Start > Stop > Start Anytime
- Change Teacher/Location Anytime. *On a fair use service. See Change Teacher Policy
Lesson Plan
Learning with a teacher so you need a lesson plan:
- Each chapter may be taught in 1 – 2 hours or even more depending on each individual learner
- We advise learners to attend 1-2 hour lesson one or two lessons per week
- Try to leave 2 or 3 days between lessons to give yourself time to practise and consolidate new skills
- Practise after your lessons with the self study materials; Study Sheets, Exercise/Homework sheets, Audio, Video, Online Quizzes. It is the key to progressing. A teacher can teach you how to speak Thai but a teacher can’t help you to remember everything.
- Lessons are flexible, your teacher will adapt the materials to suit you
- Not everything can be put in a book, if you have a special request on certain subject you can request the teacher to help you on those subjects.
Free Trial Lesson!
Learn by Yourself
If you are not sure about purchasing the course, you can Book a One Hour Free Trial Lesson with Kruu Jiab. I will introduce you to my courses and show how you can get the best out of the learning materials.
Learn with a Teacher
As explained, I am here to help my students (course purchased clients). You can request me to find an online or local teacher, if there is any local teacher in your area. For certainty and security, the teacher and the student prefer to meet before commencing paid lessons therefore Thai Style teachers provide a one hour ‘online or face to face’ free trial lesson to Thai Style students, meet & greet, explaining about the materials, discussing about current skills, learning aims, lesson plan and work out the logistics and payment method of the lessons.
In the case that you request the teacher to travel to meet you at your home, office or any place that they have to travel for a free trial lesson, I suggest you pay for the teacher’s travel costs for the trial lesson. They provide up to one hour meet & greet, introduction for free, so covering travel costs is only fair.
If you are not sure about purchasing the course before meeting your Thai Style teacher, you can Book a One hour Free Trial Lesson with Your Teacher. This one hour free trial lesson will be on online platform via Thai Style Skype Account, Zoom Account or Microsoft Teams Account.
Note: If after a trial lesson you feel your allocated teacher is not right for you, you can provide me with feedback and request a new teacher for another trial lesson (subject to availability).
- Meet your teacher
- Introduction to learning
- Discuss lesson logistics
- Get off to the best start!
Thai Script Only Edition
Two Versions
With & Without Phonetic/Transliteration Letters
For beginners with an aim to learn Thai script, but reply on phonetic/transliteration at the start of your learning experience, having access to both versions of the course will help you progress from phonetic/transliteration as a beginner to using Thai script only in the future.
When you are able to read Thai, phonetic/transliteration can be very distracting. So two versions of the course materials are important to help you progress at a pace and time to suit you.
How Much Does It Cost?
- 1. Course Fees
- 2. Tuition Fees
- 3. Travel Expenses
- 4. Workbooks
- 5. Online Lesson Packages
- 6. Business Thai Packages
- 7. Kids Learn Thai
Self Study Course - One-Off Payment - Lifetime Access
Registration (Service and Materials Fee):
Short Thai Course (1st Stage of Speak Thai Course): 1,800 Thai Baht ($55USD).
Speak Thai Course (3 Stages): 3,900 Thai Baht ($120USD)
Read & Write Thai Course (7 Stages): 2,900 Thai Baht ($95USD)
Speak, Read & Write Thai Course (9 Stages): 5,900 Thai Baht ($195USD)
Upper Intermediate Thai Course : 1,900 Thai Baht ($60USD)
Full Access - Speak, Read, Write and Upper (13 Stages): 6,800 Thai Baht ($210USD)
What you get:
- Student Hub Page - Your personal online learning platform.
- PDF Books – 12 books for full access to all courses/stages with clear & detailed explanations.
- MP3 Audio for all study sections – Listening practice to tune your ears and pronunciation.
- Videos – Watch me, Kruu Jiab. Gain extra knowledge from a linguist.
- Quizzes – Practise and test your progress.
- Smart Flash Cards – Remember Fast!
- 5 Years Unlimited Teacher Allocation – Subject to availability and fair usage policy.
- Thai Teachers – Arrange flexible lessons in person or online and pay local tuition rate.
- 30 Days Money Back Guarantee – Our customer satisfaction is high. Read Refund Policy.
Example Materials Click Here.
Buy Course to get access today!
Tuition fees are paid directly to teachers in their local currency.
My system provides affordable lessons and flexibility.

My system is indifferent to other schools. At Thai Style, I, as a linguist, have created learning materials and designed the courses for learners and I have trained the teachers to use my courses to teach. I only take the course fees in order to keep running my business and helping people to learn Thai effectively. I do not take commissions from the teacher tuition fees. The teachers’ valuable time teaching you is for them to earn money. I have carefully selected who can join my team of freelance teachers. They must at least hold a bachelor degree either in teaching, languages or related fields, have good language skills and have experience in teaching languages as well as good communication and interaction skill, reliable, punctual and friendly. Please note, I do not provide free service to find a teacher for people who do not wish to purchase my course.
After purchasing my course, you pay the tuition fee to your allocated Thai Style freelance teacher directly. This provides you with extremely flexible and affordable lessons…
You can Book a One Hour Online Free Trial Lesson before purchasing the course and commencing paid lessons.
Find a local teacher here or check out my team of online teachers
Tuition Fees
Online Lessons = From 350 Baht per hour with a teacher located in Thailand
Face to Face Lessons = Paid directly to teacher in local currency (see rate table below)
Private Lessons = (1 learner : 1 teacher) / Private Group Lessons = (2-4 learners : 1 teacher)
Teacher Location | Private Class | Private Group Class |
Thailand (THB ฿) | THB ฿ 350 Per hour | THB ฿ 500 per hour |
Australia (AUD $) | AUD $ 20 Per hour | AUD $ 25 per hour |
Canada (CAD $) | CAD $ 25 Per hour | CAD $ 30 per hour |
New Zealand (NZD $) | NZD $ 25 Per hour | NZD $ 30 per hour |
Singapore (SGD $) | SGD $ 40 Per hour | SGD $ 60 per hour |
Europe (EUR €) | EUR € 20 Per hour | EUR € 25 per hour |
United Kingdom (GBP £) | GBP £ 20 Per hour | GBP £ 25 per hour |
China (Yuan ¥) | Yuan ¥ 75 Per hour | Yuan ¥ 100 per hour |
USA (USD $) | USD $ 20 Per hour | USD $ 25 per hour |
Denmark (DKK Kr.) | DKK Kr. 200 Per hour | DKK Kr. 300 per hour |
Malaysia (RM.) | RM. 60 Per hour | RM. 80 per hour |
Taiwan (NT $) | NT $ 400 Per hour | NT $ 450 per hour |
Japan (YEN ¥) | YEN ¥ 2000 Per hour | YEN ¥ 2500 per hour |
Nepal (NPR Rs) | NPR Rs 1300 Per hour | NPR Rs 1700 per hour |
Vietnam (Dong ₫) | Dong ₫ 26500 Per hour | Dong ₫ 37000 per hour |
Russia (RUB) | RUB 900 Per hour | RUB 1000 per hour |
South Africa (R) | R 180 Per hour | R 250 per hour |
Online Classes (THB ฿) | THB ฿ 350 Per hour | THB ฿ 500 per hour |
Switzerland (CHF) | CHF 15 Per hour | CHF 20 per hour |
If you request a teacher to travel to teach you,
you pay for the traveling expenses (time and cost).
A reasonable travel expense will be charge by your teacher to travel to your location. You can negotiate a reasonable travel cost directly with your allocated teacher after registration.
The cost for a teacher to travel to your location will depend on many factors, for example; distance, mode of transport, frequency of classes, duration of classes, peak travel times, etc. All these factors need to be taken into account in order to provide a reasonable travel cost for you and your teacher. As there are so many factors to consider, and every class is unique, we cannot quote this expense in advance.
The average cost for travel during rush hour in Bangkok is between 50 - 200 THB per trip. In London, it is reasonable for teachers to charge £5-20 due to the higher cost of public transport. All locations and teachers can vary in cost.
You can Book a One Hour Online Free Trial Lesson to meet with the teacher to discuss the logistics before purchasing the course and commencing paid lessons.
My system provides affordable lessons and flexibility.
Written Materials in Hard Copy - Books
Thai Style Courses are Online Courses with Online Learning Materials. When you purchase a Thai Style course, you can download the learning materials by yourself via your Student Hub Page.
If you would like to have the written materials in hard copy, you can print them by yourself or if you would like to save on printing costs you can purchase the workbooks (colour A4 size). I sell my online courses and the workbooks in a reasonable price.
Colour A4 Size Workbooks cost between 600-900 THB per book depending on the amount of pages.
For the Short Thai Course, there are 2 workbooks; 1 Study book and 1 Exercise/Homework book.
Postage - Workbooks are dispatched from our Bangkok office.
EMS postage to addresses in Thailand is free.
You are responsible to pay for the International Postage outside Thailand and this will be collected before dispatch. The international postage is about 1,000+
Online Lessons Packages - Private 1 to 1 with an Online Teacher
Speak Thai Packages
10 tuition hours: ฿7,050 ($230 USD). Tuition hour is valid for 3 months.
20 tuition hours: ฿10,200 ($340 USD). Tuition hour is valid for 6 months.
30 tuition hours: ฿13,350 ($440USD). Tuition hour is valid for 12 months.
Speak, Read and Write Thai Course
10 tuition hours: ฿9,000 ($300USD). Tuition hour is valid for 3 months.
20 tuition hours: ฿12,100 ($400 USD). Tuition hour is valid for 6 months.
30 tuition hours: ฿15,200 ($500USD). Tuition hour is valid for 12 months.
For more information Click Here.
What you get:
- Student Hub Page - Your personal online learning platform.
- PDF Books – 12 books for full access to all courses/stages with clear & detailed explanations.
- MP3 Audio for all study sections – Listening practice to tune your ears and pronunciation.
- Videos – Watch me, Kruu Jiab. Gain extra knowledge from a linguist.
- Quizzes – Practise and test your progress.
- Smart Flash Cards – Remember Fast!
- 5 Years Unlimited Teacher Allocation – Subject to availability and fair usage policy.
- Thai Teachers – Arrange flexible online lessons with a teacher located in Thailand.
- 30 Days Money Back Guarantee – Our customer satisfaction is high. Read Refund Policy.
Buy Package to get access today!
Thai Language Services for Your Company & Staff
At Thai Style we provide both business Thai classes and corporate services. We make it very easy for our clients to utilise our trained teachers and materials for their staff and business needs.
We have experience working with many different international companies and understand the importance of clear communication, transparency and efficiency. We aim to make working together and building a professional business relationship a simple and stress free process and at the same time we provide great results.
We specialise in Thai language classes where our teachers come to you. To ensure our team provides effective tuition we have developed a complete Thai language solution which includes structured learning materials, online self study learning, teacher training, private classes and company support.
Our system is extremely flexible and we can provide a bespoke service to suit your needs so let me know if you have any questions or would like to make any amendments to our quotation.
Click Here to see the options and some further information on our fees.
Kids Learn Thai Programme
For 3-12 year olds who need support learning Thai
What you get:
- Learning Materials - Age Appropriate, 6-9 hard copy books posted to you.
- 5 Years Unlimited Teacher Allocation – Subject to availability and fair usage policy.
- Thai Teachers – Arrange flexible lessons in person or online and pay local tuition rate.
- 30 Days Money Back Guarantee – Our customer satisfaction is high. Read Refund Policy.
For more information Click Here.
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Our most popular course option
Understand Thai language and think like Thai people
Thai Translation Services - Certificates, Legal, Personal & more!