Full Thai Movie : With English Captions
Ahimsaka was born in India to a noble family. On his 16th birthday his father sent him to complete his education and Ahimsaka became the teacher’s favorite. The other jealous students told him Ahimsaka was flirting with the teacher’s wife. Deciding to punish his former star pupil, the teacher told Ahimsaka: “You have almost completed your training; there is just one thing left to do. Once you finish, your life of suffering will be over, and you will become a Bodhisattva. You must single-handedly kill 1,000 people.” Ahimsaka changed. Once he was bright and his mind light, he was tall, handsome and muscular. Now he turned grim and ugly, hunched over and plodding. He no longer laughed or spoke and he haunted the forests like a wild animal. He endeavored to complete his task and took the name of Angulimala meaning finger garland because he would string his victim’s fingers on a thread and hang it around his neck. But an enlightening encounter with the Buddha ended his bloody quest and he became a devout monk and attained the rank of arahant.
อหิงสกะ (นพชัย ชัยนาม) ได้ถือกำเนิดขึ้นมา… ถูกสวรรค์ลิขิตไว้ว่า เมื่อโตขึ้นจะเป็นมหาโจรสนองผู้มีคุณด้วยค
ปราโมกข์ ซึ่งหวังให้หลุดพ้นปัญหาทางโลกย์ได้…แต่
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