Learn Thai in Chonburi & Rayong

Learning Materials, Local Thai Teachers & Support

Thai Teachers in Pattaya, Chonburi & Rayong

Since 2008, we have built a team of Thai teachers in locations across Pattaya, Chonburi & Rayong who provide individuals and corporate clients flexible and personalised Thai language classes at their home or office.

But we do much more than just provide a Thai teacher. In order to teach Thai effectively, we have developed an innovative method to learn Thai that includes comprehensive worksheets, clear audio & video supplement materials, quizzes, self study exercises and lifetime support.

If you want to understand Thai language and develop fluency, we provide you with all the tools you need to learn without wasting your time or money.

Private classes start from just 350 THB per hour + a one-off registration fee for the materials. You can then arrange pay-as-you-learn classes at a time and location to suit you.

“Superb! I have wasted money on other Thai language methods and Thai Style stands head and shoulders above the rest” 

Richard, Bangkok, 2018



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