Learn Thai with Kruu Jiab


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Tórng~Fáa Sĕe Kraam

Tá-lay Sĕe Kĕaw Săi

Dtô’n~Mái Kĕaw~Kà-jee

Hàad~Saai Sààad

Hĕ’n Kăo Rum-rai

Têe~Nêe (Kuee) Gò’ Jum


sky + colour  + indigo blue

sea + colour + green + clear/transperent

tree/plant + verdant (lush and green)

beach~sand + be clean

be able to see + mount/mountain + indistinct

place~this + be; is/am/are (fact) + island + …(name)…


Indigo blue sky

Clear green sea

Lush green plants

Clean sandy beaches

Indistinct mountain view

This is Koh Jum



Pronunciation Points:

1. Formal situations such as business correspondences, TV host/reporters, etc., Thais usually speak with formal language and with proper pronunciation.

2. Informal situations in everyday life such as speaking with acquaintances, friends and family or even with strangers, Thais usually speak with informal language by shortening the proper/grammatical correct sentences e.g. dropping the verb คือ : Kuee from the sentence ‘ที่นี่คือเกาะจำ : Têe~Nêe Kuee Gò’ Jum‘,  changing the pronunciation of the letter ร : R (Rolling tongue) to ล : L and omitting the cluster sound in consonant cluster syllables like คราม : Kràam to Kàam.



Language Points:

 1. Indicating the colour of something;

– In Thai, มี : Mee is used to indicate the existence of colour. For example, วันนี้ ท้องฟ้ามีสีคราม : Wun~Née Tórng~Fáa Mee Sĕe Kraam = The sky has got an indigo blue colour today. In English, the word ‘have’ and ‘is’ are used in different situations. e.g. ‘The pen is red.’ and ‘She has got red hair.’

– When indicating colours, the word ‘ สี : Sĕe = colour’ is usually used in front of the name of the colour, e.g. สีแดง : Sĕe Daeng = colour + red (name of colour) = red colour.

– When clarifying the colour of something, the word ‘ สี : Sĕe = colour’ can be added in between or cut off. e.g. ปากกาสีแดง : Bpàak-gaa Sĕe Daeng = pen + colour + red ; ปากกาแดง : Bpàak-gaa Daeng = pen + red = red pen.


2. Modifying/Clarifying the quality of something;

– When modify or clarify the quality of something, the modifier (adverb/adjective) is used after the word it clarifies. For example, ‘ หาดทรายสะอาด : Hàad~Saai Sààad = beach + sand + clean’ unlike English sentence structure ‘clean sandy beach’




ท้องฟ้า : Tórng~Fáa = [noun] sky

(combined from the word ‘ ท้อง : Tórng = [noun] stomach [noun] vast area’ and ‘ ฟ้า : Fáa = [noun] light blue, sky blue [noun] sky)


สี : Sĕe = [noun] colour


คราม : Kraam = [noun] indigo blue


ทะเล : Tá-lay = [noun] sea


เขียว : Kĕaw = [noun] green


ใส : Săi = [modifier] transparent, clear


ต้นไม้ : Dtô’n~Mái = [noun] tree, plant

(combined from the word ‘ ต้น : Dtô’n = [noun] stem, trunk [noun] beginning [noun] origin [noun] upper [classifier/unit word of plants or trees] ‘ and ‘ ไม้ : Mái = [noun] wood, lumber, timber, plank [noun] plant, tree)


(เขียว)ขจี : (Kĕaw)~Kà-jee = [noun] verdant


หาดทราย : Hàad~Saai = [noun] sandy beach

(combined from the word ‘ หาด : Hàad = [noun] beach’ and ‘ ทราย : Saai = [noun] sand)


สะอาด : Sààad = [modifier] be clean, be immaculate, be spotless, be flawless, be pure, be unpolluted, be untainted


เห็น : Hĕ’n = [verb] be able to see, to have a sight of


เขา : Kăo = [noun] mount, mountain, hill [noun] horn [noun] dove [personal pronoun] he, she, him, her, his, hers


รำไร : Rum-rai = [modifier] indistinctly, dimly, faintly, obscurely


ที่นี่ : Têe~Nêe = [noun] here, this place

(combined from the word ‘ ที่ : Têe = [noun] place’ and ‘ นี่ : Nêe = [distance modifier] this)


คือ : Kuee = [verb] be; is/am/are (used to indicate the fact of being something)


เกาะ : Gò’ = [noun] island, isle [verb] to hold, to cling




Post By ครูเจี๊ยบ : Kruu Jíab

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