กุ้งเต้น “Dancing Shrimp”

กุ้งเต้น “Dancing Shrimp”

Goong Ten I doesn’t get much fresher than this! Migration Mark samples Goong Ten (กุ้งเต้น), or “Dancing Shrimp,” in Bangkok, Thailand. As the shrimp are still alive and dancing, they are mixed into an exciting salad that bursts with edible flavor!...
Massaman Curry

Massaman Curry

Grandma’s Massaman Curry in Ayutthaya I love to share Mark’s videos because he not only pulls a great face when he tries every dish but he shows the real Thailand, the Thailand I love! In this video he is in Ayutthaya filming with the locals and learning...
Thai Deep Fried Banana Frita

Thai Deep Fried Banana Frita

Hahaha not Tot Gluai like I say but Gluai Tot… The recipe is simple and sooo delicious and she used ripe bananas, sweet potato and sundried banana and I have also seen jack fruit done this way. Ingredients: Grated coconut, flour, water, sugar, salt and sesame...
Otto’s Naam Tok

Otto’s Naam Tok

Chiang Mai Street Food Street food master K. Otto has one of the most amazing naam toks ever. He jokes a lot and I often have a great time bantering with him and, of course, eating his delicious food!!! Nam tok is a grilled pork salad!! and it is absolutely yummy !!...