Learn Thai with Kruu Jiab
ปกติใส่คอนเทคเลนส์ แต่วันนี้ใส่แว่นสายตา
มองไม่เห็น 🙂
Jéab (Mee) Săay~Dtaa Sùn
Bpò’k-gà-dtì Sài Korn-tê_k~Le_n Dtàe Wun~Née Sài Wâen~Săay~Dtaa
Mâi Sài Wâen~Gun~Dàed
Dàed Sòrng Dtaa
Jiab + (have) + eyesight + short
normally/usually + to wear + contact lenses + but + today + to wear + prescription glasses
no/not + to wear/to put on/to put in + sunglasses
sunshine + to shine + eye
unable to see
(I), Jiab, have short eyesight. / (I), Jiab, am short sighted.
Usually, (I) wear contact lenses but today (I) wear prescription glasses.
(I) do not wear sunglasses.
The sun shines into my eyes.
(Therefore), I can’t see. 🙂
Săay~Dtaa Koon Bpe’n Yung-ngai? Ká
= eyesight + you/your + be (status) + how? + female polite particle
= How is your eyesight?
มี : Mee = [verb] to have, to own, to possess, there is/are
สายตา : Săay~Dtaa = [compound noun] eyesight (สาย : Săay = line, ตา : Dtaa = eye)
สั้น : Sùn = [length modifier] be short in length
ยาว : Yaaw = [length modifier] be long in length
ปกติ : Bpò’k-gà-dtì = [time modifier] usual(ly), normal(ly), regular(ly), ordinar(il)y
ใส่ : Sài = [action verb] to wear, to put on, to put in
คอนเทคเลนส์ : Korn-tê_k~Le_n = [noun] contact lens
แต่ : Dtàe = [conjunction] but
วันนี้ : Wun~Née = [noun] [time modifier] today (วัน : Wun = day, นี้ : Née = this)
แว่น : Wâen = [Noun] glasses
ไม่ : Mâi = [Negative modifier] no, not, don’t, doesn’t, ir-, in-, etc.
แว่นกันแดด : Wâen~Gun~Dàed = [compound noun] sunglasses (กัน : Gun = to protect, to keep out, to obstruct, to resist, แดด : Dàed = sunshine)
ส่อง : Sòrng = [action verb] to shine, to emit, to illuminate
มองเห็น : Morng~Hĕ’n = [compound sense verb] have sight, be able to see (มอง : Morng = to look, to glance, เห็น : Hĕ’n = to see, to be able to see)
มองไม่เห็น : Morng~Mâi~Hĕ’n = [compound sense verb] no sight, unable to see